The "Fegato alla Veneziana" is probably the most famous recipe of the Venetian tradition. It has its origins...
What could be better than starting a meal with an excellent fish appetizer. If you are a fish lover and if you don't...
The Fettuccine Marciana with black truffle sauce is one of the most fine and delicious dishes, capable of satisfying...
The creamed codfish is a typical recipe of the cooking tradition of Venice and Veneto. The creamed codfish...
One of the most popular dishes during the summer months, raw ham and melon, can be a perfect appetizer or a single...
For our saute of mussels and clams we use tasty molluscs with an unmistakable taste. Delicious to eat as an accompaniment...
An ideal starter to begin your meal with a touch of lightness? The tuna tartare is a proposal to which you can’t...
June is ending and the hot weather is becoming more and more unbearable. If you don’t feel like eating, you also...
The Buffalo mozzarella is one of the sources of pride of Italy. It is also known as the queen of the Mediterranean...
The Venetian Zaeti, also called Zaletti, are a typical kind of cookies of the Venetian cooking tradition and dry pastries. The...
Open 7 days a weekFrom Monday to Sunday - 11 am to 11 pm
Calle Larga S.Marco, 367 A/B
30124 - Venezia
+39 041 52.06.524
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